Akruz's first world PvP
Saturday, October 17, 2009
My rogue alt on Blackrock had his first experience in world PvP today.
I was in STV at level 30 working on the first of Hemit's quests. Killing the tigers and panthers working my way over to the raptors when I spot a human warlock working his way around the area. I finish off the panther I was working on and stealth a little bit closer to get a better look. He was a level 35 warlock with no heirloom gear. I decided that even with my heirloom advantage five levels would be too much to make up so I back away and start my killing of raptors a little ways off.
About five minutes later I had just finished killing two raptors and was at low health so I eat and stealth. Just as I was about to move on to the next raptor I get a dot thrown on me. I quickly duck around a nearby corner and I see the same Human Warlock a few yards away. I gouge the incoming Voidwalker, sprint to the warlock and interrupt his immolate cast. I start to build combo points on him with Sinister Strike. I get feared, Will of the Forsaken out of it, Kidney Shot and, start again. His next fear I took but, was able to vanish his shadow bolt. After a bit more back and forth I killed him only to die from his Dots before I could drop out of combat to eat.
It was a rush and I'm sure the battles will only increase as I gain levels and move to more populated zones.