About Korzik
Thursday, October 15, 2009
About the Author
I have been playing games since I was a kid. I started with Wolfenstien 3D. And have played anything from Doom, Descent, Medal of Honor and, countless console games among others.
I started WoW in February of 2008. I bought the battle chest after a boring night out and gave the free trial an hour before I bought an account. I tried all of the classes for about 10 levels and settled on a Hunter. I raided during BC and into 3.2 with my hunter. During this time I also leveled two other characters to level 80. A Protection Warrior and an Enhancement Shaman.
With a change in my work schedule I started a Refer a Friend account and leveled a rogue. I had tried a rogue before and I didn't care for them. This time though, I was hooked. I guess it was the first few levels that turned me off on a rogue at first but, as soon as I got into the level 20 range I just could not stop playing. With a guild change also came a change of mains and I now raid on my rogue.
About the characters
I currently play two rogues. A level 80 rogue on a PvE server and I have started another rogue on a PvP server.
Korzik - is a level 80 Male Undead Rogue on the PvE server Staghelm. I raid with Bound
Akruz - Is my rogue alt on the PvP server Blackrock. I started this character to help myself with maximizing my PvP play. Blackrock is currently the top Horde Arena server. I have never leveled on a PvP server and I am actually looking forward to the experience.
You can expect a few stories and experiences from both of my rogues to show up here along with opinions and thoughts on the rogue class overall.